Monday, August 11, 2008

pip & matthieu

Cyclist: Pip Van Pypen

Hometown: Toronto, ON

Location spotted: Heading south on Clark bike path.

Destination and distance: Going to Matthieu’s, 5K.

Cycling months: Whenever it’s not snowing.

First bike: It was a little mini bike with training wheels on the side with a little foam thing on the front.

Current ride: A black and yellow BMX that rides pretty well.

Number bikes stolen: One.

Number bike accidents: I’ve never been hit by a car, but I’ve taken a spill now and then. We just had a collision (points at Matthieu and at scrapes on leg and hand). We were just messing around on the gravel and pegs and spokes got intertwined…

Thoughts on biking and fashion: Hopefully you can bike with whatever outfit you put on in the morning.

When not cycling: I’m dancing.

Number of years biking: Since I was three or four.

Discovery through biking: I’ve discovered more parts of the city. It’s easy to stop places because when you’re driving in a car, you don’t.

Dream bike: I’d like to have one of those double bikes, but maybe it would be for four or five people.

Why do you bike? It’s free, quick, outside and convenient.

Biking pet peeve: Cars not looking out for you and people just walking in front of you.

Bike Tip: Don’t fall off.

How to improve biking conditions: We need more bike lanes and car free streets.

Cyclist: Matthieu LeGrey

Hometown: Montreal, QC

Location spotted: Going south on Clark bike path.

Destination and distance: Heading home after getting a haircut from Pip, 5K.

Cycling months: I bike until the first couple days of snow.

First bike: A BMX that was silver with red tires.

Current ride: A matte black Norco BMX. I got hit by a car on this bike. The whole back was bent, and they put it back into shape.

Number bikes stolen: One.

Number of bike accidents: When I was a kid, I was riding my bike and heard an ambulance. I turned around to see where it was coming from, and then I hit a parked car at full speed. just now, we were pretending to lose control on the bikes and we picked up some speed to pass some joggers. Then my back peg went into her front wheel and she fell (Pip: “I fell well!”). The joggers laughed at us.

Thoughts on biking and fashion: Everybody pretty much likes to be seen on a nice bike. You ride something, and it’s like a pair of shoes. I picked this bike because of the colour.

When not cycling: I’m a photographer and student.

Discovery through biking: Biking to work is the best part of the day.

Why do you bike: I enjoy it. It saves time…and I’m kind of lazy. You can get tired of walking to the same place, but by biking, you can take different paths and cut some speed. It’s a bit more exciting.

Bike Tip: Pedal and look straight ahead.


Anonymous said...

Pip is a cool name. Love the site.

Anonymous said...

Matthieu is totally gorgeous.

I love his necklace.

Also, I agree with the anony commenter above, Pip is a super sweet name.