Sunday, August 24, 2008


Cyclist: Isabel Rancier

Hometown: Quebec, QC

Location spotted: Speeding down St. Urbain

Destination and distance: Going to her league’s semi-finals, 2.5K

Cycling months: Until there’s too much snow.

Current ride: I think it’s a bike from the 70’s. I found it at a thrift store in the Laurentides. It cost me $25, but was really expensive to get repaired.

Number of bikes: One

Number bikes stolen: None. I’ve never had expensive bikes.

Number of bike accidents: I remember when I was first starting to ride on two wheels I hurt myself. It’s kind of a crazy story, but my feet just flew out from under me and I had a bruise between my legs. I was about five.

Interesting bike story: I work until four or five in the morning so I often pedal at night and see strange things.

Favourite ride: Island hopping on the Magdalen Islands.

Thoughts on biking and fashion: If I’m wearing a dress and I’m going to bike, I’m not going to change.

Dream bike: I’m sitting on it.

Discovery through biking: At night when there’s no one, there’s a lot of weird things happening because there’s the people who are getting up and the people who are going to bed. There’s a mix of two worlds that intersect. I really like this nocturnal environment.

Why do you bike: For the feeling of freedom and I’d rather bike than take public transport. It’s easy to get around in Montreal.

Bike Tip: I should give a tip to myself: I should buy a helmet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so cute!