Sunday, August 24, 2008


Cyclist: Rose Riley

Hometown: Montreal, QC

Location spotted: Heading west on Villeneuve with Yann

Destination and distance: Terrasse Lafayette, 3K.

Cycling months: All year, but less in the snow.

First bike: A red and white tricycle.

Current ride: A sky blue three-speed Peugeot. It’s the kind you have to kick back the pedals to get the speeds to change, which is always lots of fun on a big hill.

Number bikes stolen: Four and one of them was stolen by a roommate. He moved out and moved out with my bike.

Number accidents: None, all avoided.

When not cycling: Rock climbing, massaging and felting.

Thoughts on biking and fashion: Anything you can get away with on a bike is good.

Why do you bike: I can stop anywhere along the way. I feel freer because I can’t stand being underground in the metro and because it’s cheap and clean.

Biking pet peeve: Other bikers who speed past like crazy and get into accidents quite regularly and give us a really bad name.

Bike tip: Decorate your bike a little and make it fun.

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