Hometown: Windsor, NS
Location spotted: Heading west on St. Joseph
Destination and distance: Home, 3K.
Cycling months: April-October
First bike: It was pink and it had the bead things on the wheels that made noise when you bike. My neighbour had the same one and that’s why I got it. It was a Barbie bike basically.
Current ride: A navy blue Raleigh with a basket.
Number bikes stolen: 1
Number accidents: None
Interesting bike story: I was biking home from work and it was the middle of the day, a Sunday afternoon and this man was looking at me creepily as I was biking. He was masturbating as I biked by. I was in total shock!
When not cycling: Painting, working and school.
Thoughts on biking and fashion: I would say biking in skirts is okay, but if you refer back to two questions, maybe not.
Discovery through biking: What good shape I’m in at the end of the summer.
Why do you bike: It’s the fastest way to get around the city and it’s good exercise.
Biking pet peeve: When you have your bike parked on a pole and there’s another bike parked on the other side, then you go and do something. When you come back, and the other bike is gone and your bike is lying flat on the curb. I hate it!
Great clothes & great bike stories!
I also really like the "Bike-by Shootings" title.
merci. at the begining when asking friends about the title, one person mentioned the slightly negative/violent connotation. we didn't really think about it at the time. however, after the interview with nathaniel...
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