Hometown: Boston, MA, but lived in Montreal for 14 years
Location spotted: Jeanne Mance park
Destination and distance: Going home after flatting on Mont-Royal, 1K
Cycling months: As long as there’s no snow, salt or grit on the road.
First bike: Of my life?…His name was Clyde. I painted him gold and he had big fat tires. I was 10 years old. My first 10-speed was by an English company named Dawes. I think I got it from my brother. But my brother being my brother didn’t give it to me, he sold it to me even though I was only 12.
Current ride: An amber ale Seven. I bought this bike because I wanted to conquer the Pyrenees.
Number bikes: I had six until recently.
Number bikes stolen: I had a bike stolen this summer in Vancouver. I haven’t lost a bike in 30 years.
Interesting bike stories: Somebody shot at me in Oregon and missed- a real bike-by shooting. You have to watch out for the old pick-up trucks. I’ve ridden across the U.S. twice, and anytime you see an old pick-up truck, you gotta assume they don’t like you, they’re angry, you have more leisure time than they do so they resent that and have a gun inside, at least one.
When not cycling: I’m a professional classical singer
Favourite Ride: I love the Northwestern States it’s really gorgeous.
Thoughts on biking and fashion: I have no sense about fashion. I never think about it. I ignore it.
Dream bike: A Serotta
Why do you bike: It makes me happy.
Biking pet peeve: Rollerbladers. They’re skating really wide and oblivious to anything that’s going on around them. But I like skating too.
Bike tips: One thing I use for touring is that I carry extra spokes and I hide them inside the seat post and you keep them in with a cork from a wine bottle.
...remind me never to go biking in OREGON !!
I've passed this guy many times on my bike near the mountain. Is this story why he left the US and moved to Montreal?
when i was doing the interview, i nearly fell over when he said he was the victim of a real bike-by shooting. yikes!
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