Hometown: Nelson, B.C.
Location spotted: Playing night bike polo
Destination and distance: From home to arena, .5K
Cycling months: All year
First bike: A white BRC. It had 12-inch wheels and in the winter I took the ski off my GT and put it on the front and rode around the block.
Current ride: It was my dad’s first road bike and he gave it to me. It was in bad shape. Now it’s my polo bike and it’s slightly dangerous. It has a cardboard front disc wheel.
Number of bikes: 9 bikes. I don’t have a garage, but I put them in my kitchen. (BBS: How do you cook in your kitchen?) Around my bikes. I don’t need to eat in there. I sit on a bike and eat if I need.
Number bikes stolen: One, and it was my fault.
Number of bike accidents: Lots, and lots of scars.
When not cycling: I’m a bicycle mechanic and I like to build things like airplanes out of balsa wood, guitar amplifiers, computers…anything nerdy.
Dream bike: That’s an impossible question because you have to be more specific on the genre…Dream polo bike would be an actual track version of the one I have now, but it wouldn’t fall apart.
Discovery through biking: I found a bear cave once. It was very scary. We crawled in it, then we saw bear footprints in the mud. So we went out as quick as we could.
Why do you bike: I don’t have a driver’s license and it’s easier to get around, faster more fun and good exercise.
Biking pet peeve: Cars- mostly cabbies.Bike Tip: Don’t follow the trends. Don’t get a fixed-gear and watch where you’re going.
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