Hometown: Saint-Etienne, France
Location spotted: Locking his bike to a pole off the Clark bike path.
Destination and distance: Home, 15K
Cycling months: All year.
Current ride: A fixed-gear Soma that’s two months old.
First bike: It was a foldable blue bike. I had it when I was three years old.
Number of bikes: Eight
Number bikes stolen: Six or seven in 20 years.
Number of bike accidents: Two, but they were both my fault.
Why do you bike?: To get outside and check out what’s happening.
Biking pet peeve: Cyclists that pedal on the bike path in the wrong direction.
Bike tip: When you’re on your bike, do what you want the cars to do- like stopping at red lights.
I like the themes that unfold from the new bikebys this month: biking to enjoy being out and present and with all the people. And, because we enjoy being around each other, biking with the courtesies we would extend in any other situation.
awesome shot!
great bike.
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