Friday, July 25, 2008

lisa & aurélie

Cyclist: Lisa Djevahirdjian and Aurélie

Hometown: Montreal, QC

Location spotted : Jeanne-Mance and Villeneuve

Destination and distance: Coming back from work and daycare, 9 K.

Cycling months: April-October

Current ride: 15-year-old Giant

Number bikes stolen: None

Number bike accidents: None…well kind of.

Interesting bike story: I was biking through the park, and a leashless black lab literally ran into me and broke all the spokes in my front wheel. I couldn’t ride the bike and had to push it. So the dog owner walked me to the bike shop and paid for the repairs. And on the way out, he said, “This might be a strange thing to ask, but will you have dinner with me?” I politely declined. And by the way, the dog was fine.

When not cycling: Working and playing.

Favourite ride: I love biking in the city.

Thoughts on biking and fashion: They’re not mutually exclusive. And all of my summer clothes have to be wide enough so that I can easily ride my bike. Skirts can’t be too short or too tight. Otherwise, anything goes.

Number of years biking: 16 years

Dream bike: An Amsterdam communal bike

Discovery through biking: Biking to work in the morning gives you a better boost than coffee.


Anonymous said...

Such great stories and excellent photography. I would love to see this in a magazine.

Anonymous said...

great idea for a blog. cool photo, but why does lisa get all the glory? the little girl is a scene-stealer.

Anonymous said...

Makes me want me own kiddie just to cruise around like that! The colours in all the photos are amazing and the depth in the framing is really funky!

bikebyshootings said...

actually, kiddo was pretending to shoot her guns at us like we were some evil force. it was pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

Love the colors, the dress, the girls...

Anonymous said...

Very cute... but I bet that accident with that Lab was bigger than a few broken spokes... maybe a few broken teeth?

(Lisa looks like she's got dentures, if you ask me)