Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Cyclist: Martin Renière

Hometown: Trois-Rivières, QC

Location spotted : Coming up a trail on Mont-Royal

Destination and distance: To the back trails on Mont-Royal, 2K.

Cycling months: All year

Current ride: Marin double suspension mountain bike. I ride my road bike to get to work, and mountain bike on the weekends.

Number bikes stolen: None

Number of bike accidents: One big accident, and at least two or small ones.

When not cycling: I work for a bike parts distributor.

Favourite ride: I don’t have one. There are too many interesting trails for me.

Thoughts on biking and fashion: I have a fixed-gear bike, but I’m not into the style that goes around with it. I’m not really into bike fashion.

Number of years biking: Ten years and four years mountain biking.

Dream bike: A cross-country bike a bit like the one I have today.

Discovery through biking: I’m a biology student, so each time I’m on the trails, there’s something new. If I’m going at a relaxed pace, there’s mushrooms, trees or just the sounds of the birds.

Why do you bike? To push myself, and for the nature.